in the series, Naruto is a ninja affiliated with the fictional village of Konohagakure. The villagers ostracize Naruto because the attacked Konohagakure, is sealed within his body. Naruto has ambitions of becoming the village's leader, the Hokage, to gain recognition amongst his peers. Nonetheless, Naruto maintains a cheerful and boisterous personality, allowing him to befriend several other Konoha ninja throughout the series , as well as ninja from other villages.. He builds an especially close relationship with team 7, the ninja team where he belongs, treating them as his family. Naruto appears in all of the series' films, as well as in other media related to the franchise, including all video games and original video animations.
Naruto is an orphan
He is 14 years old
He is an exellent ninja
Sasuke is his best friend
his master is Kakashi
Naruto likes eating
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